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English Education Journal
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EEJ (English Education Journal) is a peer-reviewed and open access academic journal published by the Graduate Program of English Language Education, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It presents the work/research of students and lecturers who are in the program. It is published four times a year in the months of January, April, July and October. The articles are those in the scopes of English language teaching and learning, linguistics, and literature.
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Improving English speaking ability using the Team-Games-Tournament technique Rahmawati Rahmawati
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This study aimed to study the application of the Team-Games-Tournament Technique for teaching speaking to Grade X students at SMAN 1 Suka Makmur, Aceh Besar. The research method used in this study was Classroom Action Research which is to improve the quality of the teaching performance and the learning processes of the students as well as to detect and solve problems found in the teaching-learning process. Two cycles were conducted for this research. The subjects of this study were the 24 students. These students were first given a pre-test and then a post-test at the end of each cycle. The pre-test and the post-tests were administered by asking the students to describe a picture. The data was processed manually. From the results obtained, only 12% (3 students) passed the KKM in the pre-test and 88% (21 students) did not pass. The passing percentage increased to 54% (13 students) after the 1st cycle whilst 46% (11 students) still did not pass the KKM. After the last cycle, the percentage that passed the KKM increased to 96% (23 students) and only 4% (1 student) did not pass. Thus the implementation of the TGT technique over two cycles was deemed highly successful, not only the Grade X students improved their speaking ability but also the teacher improved her ability to teach speaking English. Accordingly this study recommends that other teachers of speaking English EFL should also try using the TGT technique.
Strategies for teaching reading comprehension Muslaini Muslaini
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This research was done to find out how reading comprehension was taught at an Islamic boarding school in Pidie Jaya, the strategies that were used by the teachers for teaching reading comprehension, and the responses of the students towards the teaching-learning of reading comprehension. This study was conducted using an action research. The participants of this study were the teachers and their students. The instruments used were an interview guide and observation sheets to collect data. Based on the data collected, the researcher found several problems that needed to be solved, especially in the preparation of lesson plans even though the teachers at the school already had much knowledge of teaching. Based on these observations, the methods and strategies generally used by the English teachers at the school included individual learning, cooperative learning, using media, (games, pictures and picture series), and the grammar translation method. They modified the strategies used in teaching depending on the materials or the genre of the text. The choice of strategy was adapted by the teachers with the materials, the indicators and the purpose of learning based on the syllabus and curriculum. They chose the most appropriate strategy to help the students comprehend the text well. Their reasons for  using a particular strategy was to help the students to avoid difficulties in reading the text, especially comprehending the aspects of reading such as the main idea, making inferences, noting detailed information and references. The use of appropriate strategies to reach the purposes of learning was planned in the lesson plan.
Perceptions about performance assessments Roslina Roslina
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This research was aimed at finding out how Performance Assessments were implemented in English speaking classes and what difficulties were faced by the teachers in doing them. The sample for this research was all the English teachers at SMAN 3 Banda Aceh. The research design for this study included observations of actions in the classroom during the learning process and also interviews with the teachers outside of the classroom. The instruments used to collect data were an interview guide and the observation sheets. The researcher interviewed the teachers about their perceptions towards the implementation of Performance Assessments and what difficulties they faced in doing them. Observations were made in the four English classes of the tenth and eleventh grades and one interview meeting was held with each teacher. In addition, the researcher recorded and took pictures of the teaching-learning processes in the classroom, and also collected the lesson plans to get more detailed information about the learning materials and assessments. Based on the research results, all of the English teachers at SMAN 3 Banda Aceh, as the sample for the study, were not familiar with the term Performance Assessments, but they recognized the characteristics of Project Assessment or Practical Assessment which they already applied occasionally. They also recognized that Performance Assessments could provide them with a more enthusiastic atmosphere for learning. Even so, such assessments were not favoured by the teachers due to their complexity and the many aspects of scoring required for one form of learning.
Teaching English to young learners: A case study at Nurul Quran Islamic School Aceh Besar Nurasiah Nurasiah
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This study was conducted to see how English language teaching-learning for young learners was done at Nurul Quran Character Based Islamic School in Aceh Besar. This was a qualitative study in which all data were described in a systematic way based on the research questions. Observation sheets, an interview guide, other documentation, field notes and recordings were used as instruments for this study. The data was analyzed by classification, reduction, display and drawing of conclusions. The subject of this study was an English teacher at Nurul Quran Character Based Islamic School. The findings showed that the teacher made preparations including designing the syllabus and lesson plan and preparing and providing the teaching materials. The activities presented in the classroom were based on what was stated in the lesson plan. The activities were procedural and at the students’ level. The teacher had several problems in conducting the teaching such as problems with the curriculum, syllabus design and lesson plans. Then she had problems with students with special needs and with noisy classes, student discipline, catching students’ attention and even problems with the size of the class and the size of the classroom. However, the teacher was capable of solving all these problems so that the teaching-learning could run well.
Using authentic teaching materials to improve reading comprehension of Islamic Economic Law students Zahrina Zahrina
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This research was conducted to revise teaching materials for reading comprehension for the study of Islamic Economic Law at Al-Hilal College, Sigli. During teaching English, the writer (as the lecturer) presented reading materials taken from the textbook and they were less connected to the need of students of Islamic Economic Law Department. Thus, she decided to use up to date authentic materials taken from websites and online newspapers. The subjects for this research were 37 students in their first semester in the Department of Islamic Economic Law. The instruments used were observation check-lists, a test, a questionnaire, and field notes. The data was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, there were three cycles in this research. The result of observation checklists showed that the writer reached the improvements from first to last cycle, respectively marked by 76%, 86% and 88%. Moreover, observation check-lists also exposed the students’ improvements - they increased significantly from 74% to 87% and 89% after each cycle. Additionally, the students’ average test results increased positively from 38% to 75%. The questionnaire result proved that the students’ perceptions on significance of using authentic materials were 91%, while 97% agreed with the useful of the texts presented during teaching learning. Lastly, through the document- i.e. field notes; the writer noticed that the students’ vocabulary related to Islamic Economic Law increased.
Building vocabulary using the teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling method Hendri Yati
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The aim of this research study was to find out how to use the TPRS method for teaching vocabulary to elementary students, whether it would be more effective than other methods to enhance the students’ vocabulary, and what would be the responses of the students to its implementation. A classroom action research study was carried out in three cycles. The subject of this research was a class of 27 fifth grade students. The data were obtained by using tests, observation sheets and a questionnaire. The test results were analyzed using statistics while the results from the observations and the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive explanations. The results showed that the teacher’s performance in implementing the activities using the TPRS method improved from cycle 1 to cycle 3, while the students’ scores increased about 17% over each cycle. Thus the TPRS method was effective to enlarge the students’ vocabulary and the data from the questionnaires showed that the students responded well to the use of the TPRS. Overall it could be seen that the use of the TPRS method was effective for teaching-learning English especially vocabulary.
Improving essay writing using the Semantic Mapping technique Eli Nofriati
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This research inquires whether the semantic mapping technique be used to improve the students’ ability in learning essay writing. It was designed in classroom action research which was conducted in two cycles by following the procedure of action research consisting of four steps; planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Each cycle was carried out in three meeting. The subject of the research was the 4th semester students in unit A of the English Department, Almuslim University. The instruments used were test, observation checklist and questionnaire. The obtained data were presented and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that the implementation of semantic mapping technique could improve the students’ ability in learning essay writing. This is proven by the first result found from the test given to the students. The students’ average score of the test in cycle 1 was 60 and it increased to 75 in cycle 2. The second result was obtained from the observation of the researcher’s performance and students’ activities. The percentage of the researcher’s performance in the first cycle was 75% in the level good. While, in the second cycle it increased to 88% in level very good. Next, the percentages of the students’ activities was 57% or enough in the first cycle and it increased to 79% in the level good in the second cycle. The other finding from the questionnaire was the strongly positive response (4.62) from the students to the use of the semantic mapping technique for learning essay writing.
The effect of task-based language teaching on students’ reading comprehension Irfan Irfan
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The aim of this research study was to find out whether there could be a significant improvement in students taught reading comprehension using Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) and those taught using the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). In this experimental research, the sample was divided into an experimental group and a control group. The population for this study was 162 second grade students from SMA Negeri 1 Gandapura from which 2 classes were chosen by random sampling. The experimental group had 21 students, while the control group had 23 students. Data was collected through reading comprehension tests. The data was analysed by using an independent t-test assisted by SPSS 22. Based on the t-index from the analysis, it was found that there was a significant difference between the two groups as 0.73 was higher than α = 0.05. Moreover, the t-count was 3.12 which was higher that the t-table which was 2.01. These findings showed that there was a significant difference in achievement between the students who were taught reading comprehension by TBLT and those who were taught by GTM. Hence, the alternative hypothesis was accepted.
Using the Dictogloss technique to enhance listening ability Vina Chairul Azmi
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This research was done to study the use of the Dictogloss technique for teaching-learning listening. The objective of this research was to see if this technique would be an efficient way to teach-learn English listening with 12th grade students from SMAN 5, Banda Aceh. The study used experimental research methods with α=0.05. The sample for this study was 32 students from the 12th grade at SMAN 5 Banda Aceh. These students were grouped into an Experimental group and a Control group. Before the treatment, each group was given a pre-test; and after the treatment a post-test was again administered to both groups. The pre-test and the post-test each consisted of ten questions which the students had to answer after listening to a dialogue. The data was analyzed statistically. All the data was normal and homogenous. From the t-test, the critical area was -2.03 to +2.03. The t-test value from the post-test between the Experimental and the Control groups was 0.92 which was within the critical area. Hence the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted which meant that Dictogloss was found to be an effective technique to use for improving the listening ability of 12th grade students.
The use of Small Group Work techniques for improving reading comprehension An Nisaa Rahmadani
English Education Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2017): English Education Journal (EEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The aims of this research were to find out (1) whether there was a significant difference in students’ reading comprehension abilities in terms of main idea, vocabulary, detailed information, and inferences for students who were taught using the Small Group Work (SGW) technique compared to those taught through a standard technique. And (2) to find out if the use of the SGW technique motivated students studying reading comprehension to read more compared to other students. The sample for this research was class VIII(1) and VIII(2) from the second year at SMPN 1 Baitussalam in Aceh Besar in the academic year 2014/2015. This research used true experimental design. The result of this study using the SGW technique showed that there was no significant difference in the students’ reading comprehension in terms of the main idea. The use of the SGW technique did not motivate and did not encourage the experimental group students to develop their reading comprehension abilities.

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